Friday, January 30, 2015

What Is Project Silence?

So, I'm sure that the further along I go, the biggest question I'll hear as I go to people in real life will be just what Project Silence is. Just stating that it's a game can leave much to the imagination. When people hear the word “game” these days they see Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty, two games that are often shown on television advertisements. If I go further and say that it's a horror game, people who play games may instantly picture another cheap Slender clone. The truth is, Project Silence isn't like any of those games.


Project Silence is a top-down 2D horror/mystery game. As stated in the first post on this blog, the basic story is trying to find out just why the main character (Ian Michaels) has no memories between driving home from work and waking up in a basement. This happens via finding notes, as well as talking with characters in what will pass for cutscenes, which will feature full voice-over work.
Another feature that Project Silence will include is an adaptive background soundtrack. Like many AAA games, the background music will change as the game progresses. Find something horrific, the tone and pitch will change. Find a calm area, and the music will be soft. The music completely fades, and something worse than horrific can be coming. More information regarding the soundtrack will come at a later date.
Another feature that Project Silence will boast is multiple endings and routes. Depending on your actions in the game, you may get a radically different ending than you may have had you done something different. Actions you have done can also result in different paths through the game world being opened or closed off. They can even reflect just what options you have when speaking to a character.

Check back next week for more on the development of Project Silence.

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