Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Demo/Proof of Concept Released

As of today, the first official Demo/Proof of Concept for Project Silence has been upload and released. The link will be at the bottom of this page. But first, an explanation on just what "Proof of Concept" means in this case.

When someone plays the demo of a video game, it is (generally) using somewhat final graphics and textures. Should the game have voice acting, the final voice actors are the ones providing the voices. Usually the final soundtrack has been inserted as well. You are basically playing a portion of a game that is mostly finished, with the team spending a month to polish that one part.

However, a Proof of Concept is something completely different. Unlike a demo, most of the graphics and textures are place holders and generic. Any voice acting is not final. The soundtrack is also mostly a place holder. However, it is used to show what the final project will become. It is a way of saying "This is the bottom line," and that the game can only move up.

Though marked as a demo, what was released today is more a Proof of Concept. More will be released in a few weeks, after the past few sleepless nights are recovered from.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Update on the Demo

Let's cut right to the chase.

The demo of Project Silence will be released next week. I am saying Tuesday, June 9th at the moment, and this will be official barring anything else going wrong (at this point, I can't think of what). Below is a list of just what this demo has, and what it doesn't have.
               -Full spoken voice acting.
               -Background music.
               -Multiple difficulties.

Now, things to also consider...
               -The main character's voice acting is not final (I am NOT voice the main character).
               -The lead female character's voice acting was recorded quickly at the last minute.
               -I am NOT the one who will be recording the final soundtrack.

As of this writing, about eighty-five percent of the lines have been recorded, with only the Loop, the Developer's Room, and two parts added well after the fact needing to be recorded. These will most likely be recorded Sunday morning, with the final testing happening Monday, and the release on Tuesday. Again, this is provided nothing goes wrong. Needless to say, however, the demo WILL BE released this coming week.